Work Packages

WP1: Monitoring systems

WP leader: Dr. Berend Jan van der Zwaag


WP1 will design and develop robust and system level monitoring as an integral part of the CPS, by including: robust monitoring at the levels of hardware, software, and algorithms; systems-of-systems monitoring at component, inter-component, and system levels; meta-monitoring, i.e., monitoring the monitoring system itself; and embedded intelligence enabling inference for diagnostics and shortening the data acquisition/analysis/feedback loop.

WP2: Knowledge representation

WP leader: Dr. Stefan Schlobach


WP2 will contribute to the re-usability of knowledge, through explicitation and formalization of knowledge. Further, formal knowledge models enable more effective diagnostic processes and therefore reduce the downtime of CPSs.


WP3: Diagnostic algorithms

WP leader: Prof. dr. ir. Tiedo Tinga


In WP3, we will develop Diagnostic algorithms that work in non-ideal practical settings on the level of a complete CP system, yielding a reduction of system downtime. These diagnostic algorithms will incorporate the organization’s knowledge and guide the selection of sensors that make the diagnostic process more efficient and yield a quickly learning organization.


WP4: Model-based systems engineering

WP leader: Dr. Vadim Zaytsev


WP4 will develop proper metamodels for the domain of intelligent diagnostics, via a (collection of) DSL for diagnostics of cyber-physical systems.


WP5: Demonstrators

WP leader: Dr. Jeroen Linssen


Key result of WP5 is an integrated demonstrator related to a specific use case, and an extension of standard process models, e.g., for CRISP-DM, with the inclusion of additional phases for demonstrator designs.


WP6: Dissemination & technology adoption

WP leader: Dr. Benny Akesson


WP6 is concerned with creating social and economic value from the project results. Our dissemination activities will spread new knowledge to internal and external stakeholders. We focus on the project website, newsletters, social media posts, videos & podcasts, organization of various workshops, presentations at (inter)national conferences.

Technology adoption is geared at helping parties to implement the project results in their organization. We focus on through the formation of special interest groups, “cookbooks” describing do’s and don’ts intelligent diagnostics in practice, and integration of the results into ESI applied research roadmap.

WP7: Management

WP leader: Prof. Mariëlle Stoelinga


WP7: the main responsibilities of WP7 are day-by-day management, strategic and operational decision making, and monitoring the progress of all WPs.
